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Green chemistry (M2R CO12)

3CAFC2 Green chemistry (M2R CO12) Materials and Chemistry S9
Lessons : 15 h TD : 0 h TP : 0 h Project : 0 h Total : 15 h
Co-ordinator : Sylvain Gaillard
Basics of Photophysics
Notions of theoretical chemistry
Radical Chemistry
Course Objectives
The aim of this teaching is to sensitize students to the various areas of current applications of organic or organometallic molecules with photophysical properties (absorption or emission) in the field of the visible.
These technologies also have a common point regarding the energy transition
and sustainable chemistry.
The course begins with a presentation of the important photophysical properties for a good understanding of the technologies that will be presented later.
Part of the course is also devoted to devices for measuring these properties as well as a little more detailed information on the operation of the devices as well as the preparation of the samples.
The course continues with a presentation of the mechanisms of emission of molecules and the current processes more complex like the thermally activated delayed fluorescence and the triplet-triplet annihilation.
Next, the different concepts of OLED technologies, solar cells and photoredox catalysis (hydrogen production from water and fine chemistry reaction) are presented and illustrated by examples of recent literature.
Practical work (TD or TP)
Non renseigné
Acquired skills
Understanding of the photphysiques properties of organic and organometallic molecules
Basic concepts of technologies such as OLEDs, organic solar cells, photoredox catalysis
Bernard Valeur
Molecular Fluorescence: Principles and Applications. Bernard Valeur
> 2001 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH
ISBNs: 3-527-29919-X (Hardcover); 3-527-60024-8 (Electronic)

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