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471-1 Economie Materials and Chemistry S6
Lessons : 8 h TD : 0 h TP : 0 h Project : 0 h Total : 8 h
Co-ordinator : Bruno Larsonneur
S1 Economics course
Course Objectives
The goal is to make the students aware of questions related to global security as it has been developed in the competency framework “Economic Intelligence and new risks in the 21st century.” “This course aims to give students the basis of reasoning which will allow them, in their future professional and personal activities, to interpret the evolution of the changing global environment in order for them to act responsibly and lucidly.”
New threat and new conflicts
I – The new types of risks
- Dependence: a source of conflict (energy, access to water)
- Natural, industrial, and health hazards
- Trans-national criminality, the drug trade
- Terrorism
- Cyber risks
II – The new types of conflict
- The transformation of warfare
- Asymmetrical and high-intensity conflicts
- The idea of the “irregular adversary”
- The notion of civil-military action. Humanitarian actions.
- The strategic surprise, weak signals, and the treatment of information.

Actors for risk prevention and crisis resolution
I – Types of actors
- Daily security
- Crisis prevention
- The citizen: the basis of security

Practical work (TD or TP)
Non renseigné
Acquired skills
Understanding and interpreting the evolutions of the global environment

unit of competence: Understanding of the organizational, personal, and cultural dimensions

Level 2: Able to enter the professional world with communication and management skills

Unit of comlpetence: Adaptable to the demands of the business and the society
Level 2: Able to consider the environmental stakes and to apply sustainable development principles
Level 2: Able to consider the various stakes for the business: economic, quality, competitivity and productivity, economic intelligence

Non renseigné

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