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Real-time systems

135-2 Real-time systems Physics Engineering and Embedded Systems - Apprenticeship S8
Lessons : 5 h TD : 0 h TP : 15 h Project : 0 h Total : 20 h
Co-ordinator : Dimitri Boudier
- Good skills in embedded software development on MCU (Micro Controller Unit)
- Good skills in C langage (procedural langage, etc)
- Good skills in software development tools (IDE, UNIX shell, Makefile, etc)
- Good skills in numerical systems (combinatorial et sequential analysis, boolean algebra, etc)
- Good skills in analogical systems (active and passive components, electrical diagram reading, etc)
Course Objectives
- Understand main services offer by an operating system
- Understand role and work of a scheduler on an application
- Understand contraints due to "real time" systems development
- Manage use of services and tools of an market RTOS (Real Time Operating System)
- Design a "simple" embedded software application ported on a RTOS
- Develop and document an embedded software application ported on a RTOS
- Read and analyse technicals specifications

During main Courses (realise by extern engineer from AIR LIQUIDE, with demonstrations on biomedical market products) :
- Reminders about architecture and functionning of digital processor (CPU, SRAM, Flash, IRQ, ISR, etc)
- Services and tools offer by an Operating System (illustration on GNULinux)
- Definition of "Real Time" concept
- Role of scheduler and scheduling strategies
- Design and definition of embedded software architecture
- Analysis and writing of technicals specifications

During Practical Works (development of testing applications, and port of bluetooth application on RTOS) :
- Scheduling strategies (cooperative and preemptive)
- Model and logical segmentation of memory
- robutness and hardening of a program (tests, exceptions, assertions, segmentations overflows, etc)
- protection, communication and synchronization tools (mutex, critical section, semaphore, message queue, etc)
- Drivers development with system calls
- Introduct
Practical work (TD or TP)
- Discovery of software services offer by a RTOS (technical illustration on FreeRTOS)
- Porting of a baremetal bluetooth application on market FreeRTOS

Hardware and software tools (Practical Works) :
- Microchip PIC32MZ EF Starter Kit (PIC32MZ 32bits MCU)
- Microchip MPLABX IDE and XC32 toolchain

Hardware and software tools (project) :
- ENSICAEN Bluetooth speaker prototype (PIC18 8bits MCU)
- Microchip MPLABX IDE and XC8 toolchain
Acquired skills
- Understand main services offer by an operating system
- Understand role and work of a scheduler on an application
- Understand contraints due to "real time" systems development
- Manage use of services and tools of an market RTOS (Real Time Operating System)
- Design a "simple" embedded software application ported on a RTOS
- Develop and document an embedded software application ported on a RTOS
- Read and analyse technicals specifications
OPERATING SYSTEM : Modern Operating Systems - Tanenbaun
TECHNOLOGIES : foundry and open sources websites, forums et datasheets (www.freertos.org, https://www.microchip.com/, etc)

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