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Mobile Developpement

398-1 Mobile Developpement Computer Science S7
Lessons : 5 h TD : 0 h TP : 12 h Project : 0 h Total : 17 h
Co-ordinator : Ndiaga Faye
Java language, XML, SAX, JSON, threads, common patterns (Singleton, MVC, Observers, ...), creation of graphical interfaces

Knowledge of network programming is very useful
Course Objectives
Knowledge of a mobile operating system: Android.
Knowledge of development tools: Android Studio, SDK manager, ADB.
Implementation of a mobile application on Android physical device (phone / tablet).
Deepening of Java concepts.
- Architecture of an Android application: Activity, manifest, xml, etc.,
- Lifecycle of an Android application. Common points and differences between Linux and Android,
- Creation of a graphical interface with Android components: different types of View and ViewGroup,
- Interaction between Java code and XML metadata,
- Exploitation of asynchronous mechanisms for better ergonomics of the user experience (Thread, AsynTask),
- Network communication (Socket, Bluetooth). Taking into account basic sensors.
- Android SDK (ADB) specific debugging tools.
Practical work (TD or TP)
Install, configure and get started with the Android Studio development environment. Creation of a simple Android mobile application. Realization of an advanced application (New widgets, exploitation of data coming from web services, ....).
Acquired skills
Know how to use the entire development chain and the IDE to produce an Android application. Solidified skills in Java and asynchronous programming. Knowing how to work independently from the description of an API with multiple ramifications.

Skills block: Develop and deploy a software solution
-> Level 3: Master the major software technologies.
- Android in action, 3ème édition, W. Frank Ableson, Robi Sen, Chris King and C. Enrique Ortiz, Manning Publication and Co.
- Programmation Android, Damien Guignard, Julien Chable, Emmanuel Robles, Edition Eyrolles
- L’art du développement Android, Mark Murphy, Edition Pearson.

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