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Graphs and Automata

Graphs and Automata Computer Science S4
Lessons : h TD : h TP : h Project : h Total : h
Co-ordinator : Luc Brun
C++ programming language. Bachelor level in maths.
Course Objectives
Understand the vocabulary of graph theory and the basics of compilation.
Graph theory:
-Graphs and the rest of the world
-Line Graph
-Planar graphs

- History
- Lexical analysis
- Syntactic analysis
Practical work (TD or TP)
Design your own interpreter and compiler.
Acquired skills
Be familiar with the basic vocabulary and concepts of graph theory.
Be familiar with the notions of automaton and grammar. Knowledge of the basics of Lex and Yacc languages.

Skills block: Design a sustainable solution in the field of software engineering
-> Level 3: Formalize and model a problem using mathematical and algorithmic tools.
-> Level 1: Find relevant information in the scientific and technical literature then evaluate and use it.
Graph theory, Hararyn Addison-Wesley publishing,
Alg`ebre moderne et th ́eorie des graphes, B. Roy, eds. Dunod,
Graph theory, W.T. Tutte, Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications.
COMPILATEURS, Principes, techniques et outils. Alfred Aho, Ravi Sethi,
Jeffrey Ullman. InterEditions.
Les compilateurs, th ́eorie, construction, g ́en ́eration. R. Wilhelm, D.
Maurer. Masson Eds.

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