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99-1 Management Computer Science S9
Lessons : 10 h TD : 6 h TP : 0 h Project : 0 h Total : 16 h
Co-ordinator : Camille Jouanneau
It is better if the student has completed 1 or 2 internships in a company (worker’s internship for example).
Course Objectives
Identify the interferences between historical events/ major trends in companies/ changes in the role of a manager and the management team - Know the vocabulary of the company. - Discover the organisational structures of companies and the role of structures. - Better understand what it means? supervise? and? manage? discovering one’s personal approach, understanding team working (brainstorming, metaplan, negotiation). -Test ground rules to conduct an appraisal interview
Presentation of the curriculum. Brainstorming on companies’ image. Questionnaire on companies. - Evolutionary currents from 1900 to the present day (masterful contribution) Reflection film on the role of the manager. Discovery of the language related to these currents and the change in the role of the hierarchy. - Questionnaire on management. - Work in a sub-group on the role of the hierarchical manager. Summary and formatting by the teacher. Work on delegation, motivation (questionnaire and metaplan) - Simulation of work and negotiation meetings. - Simulation of hierarchical interviews - Rapid written evaluation
Practical work (TD or TP)
Written questionnaire on the personal image of the company. - Written situation assessment questionnaire to explain one’s approach to management. - Written questionnaire on motivation (Maslow) - Subgroup work on the notion of supervision - Simulation of professional interviews and work meetings. - Viewing of an educational film
Acquired skills
Being able to identify the dominant trend of a company - Knowing what its approach to management (strengths and weaknesses) is and how to react following this observation. - Have acquired the basics of the business vocabulary and understand what it entails. - Know what a metaplan and brainstorming is (maybe be able to do one). - Have some basic behaviors in interviews
Unit of skills : taking into consideration the organisational, personal and cultural aspect.
-> Level 2 : Ability to integrate into professional life - communication and management
-> Level 2 : Work in a multidisciplinary team and in an international context
-> Level 2 : Know oneself and how to relate to others, self-analysis, manage one’s strategic competences, make professional choices
Unit of skills : Adaptation to company and society requirements
-> Level X : Ability to consider environmental issues and apply principles of sustainable development
-> Level 2 : Ability to consider labour relations, ethics, safety and health issues
BIBLIOGRAPHIE HAN PEMAN "Réussir ses réunions" Marabout Performance n° 1830 ; LAYOLE GÉRARD "La conduite d'entretien" Ed d'Organisation. Formation ; BLAKE & MOUTON "Les deux dimensions du management" Ed d'Organisation, 1983 ; D. TISSIER & E. VERNE "Management situationnel 1, les voies de l'autonomie et de la délégation." INSEP Editions, 1988 ; BLANCHARD, ZIGARMI "Le leader et la minute du succès" Inter édition, 1986, Guide pratique pour l'encadrement, 1991.

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