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English : Innovation and social responsibility of the engineer

89-1 English : Innovation and social responsibility of the engineer Computer Science S9
Lessons : 0 h TD : 15 h TP : 0 h Project : 0 h Total : 15 h
Co-ordinator : Emmanuelle SALIOU
Level B1 / B2
Course Objectives
Project 1: study the socio-economic context of the business, organisation or laboratory in which your industrial project is taking place. Your study will be presented both orally and in writing.
Project 2: think critically about the Social Responsibility of the engineer and share your results in both a written and oral report.

Project 1: Introduce the organisation (history, trades and careers, key statistics, strategy) and analyse the impact of two or three of the following themes: Economic context / Environmental context / Social context /Technology intelligence / Ethics and compliance

Project 2: To what extent does the engineer act in and for society? Today’s world expects the engineer to do more than apply learned methods. The engineer is expected above all to be a conceptualiser who can imagine and devise objects, machines, systems, organisations, methods, and processes, all the while being conscious of the fact that what you create will shape and orient the future of the end users.
Practical work (TD or TP)
Written report in English
• Oral defence: format: 10-minute power point presentation + 5 minutes for questions

Acquired skills
Specific skills
Reach level B2/C1 in the four competences
Can work in a team in a professional context using the English language.
Write a project report in English.

General skills
Unit of skills: taking into consideration the organisational, personal and cultural aspect.
Level 3 : Can work in a multidisciplinary and multicultural team.

A list of internet sites may be given to the students allowing them to work alone and documents may be put on the school’s online platform.

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