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Structural analysis of molecules

524-3 Structural analysis of molecules Materials and Chemistry S6
Lessons : 14 h TD : 14 h TP : 0 h Project : 0 h Total : 28 h
Co-ordinator : Jerome Baudoux
Main concepts of the organic chemistry (valence of the elements, chemical bonds, isomerism, stereochemistry, functional groups, electronic effects, mesomerism)
Course Objectives
This subject presents the methods of characterization for organic compounds including the most used techniques in industry and research laboratories.
- 1D nuclear magnetic resonance: 1H and 13C. History, physical principles of NMR spectroscopy (magnetic properties of nuclei and effect of a strong magnetic field), the chemical shift, coupling constants, equipment. Tutorials: 1D NMR spectrum analyzes.
- Infrared spectroscopy: principle and main applications. Characterization of functional groups.
- Ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy: principle and main applications (the chromophores and effects, the Beer-Lambert law, Fieser-Woodward and Scott rules).
Practical work (TD or TP)
TD: Study of 1D NMR spectra with the characterization of saturated and unsaturated aliphatic compounds, evaluate the influence of a function on the chemical shift, recognize the ortho, meta and para substitution on an aromatic compound, calculate the coupling constants, find a structure using an unknown spectrum.
TP: Organic chemistry with the use of a benchtop NMR for product characterization
Acquired skills
This teaching will allow to acquire a competence concerning the NMR technology. The good management of 1D NMR spectra processing and the complete characterization of organic compounds synthesized in the laboratory.
- "Chimie Organique" Stuart Warren, Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, Peters Wothers. Editeur : De Boeck.
- "Chimie Organique : Cours et applications" Paul Arnaud, Brigitte Jamart, Jacques Bodiguel, Nicolas Brosse. Editeur : Dunod.
- "Analyse chimique" F. Rouessac, A. Rouessac, Dunod, 6ème Ed., 2004.
- H. Günther, « La spectroscopie de RMN », Masson, 1993

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