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Measurement System design with LabVIEW

373 Measurement System design with LabVIEW Physical engineering and embedded systems S8
Lessons : 0 h TD : 0 h TP : 24 h Project : 0 h Total : 24 h
Co-ordinator : Marc Lam
2E2AD1 - Sensor instruments & LabVIEW
Course Objectives
Advanced Programming in LabVIEW
Develop and implement complex autonomous applications in LabVIEW
Apply model concepts involving single loops or multiple parallel loops templates
Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD) preparation
Common Design Techniques et design templates in LabVIEW
Use of Variables, parallelism, FGV, race conditions
Synchronization Techniques, notifiers, queues
Event Programming, Error handling
Controlling the user interface, property nodes, invoke nodes
Practical work (TD or TP)
Developping a complete autonomous LabVIEW application :
1. Create an interactive graphical user interface for a DAQ card connected to a PC.
Required equipment : NI PCI-6221 DAQmx card and a BNC-2110 accessory connecting box and cable
2. Develop a graphical interfacing program for controlling a spectrum analyser via the GPIB bus. Required equipment : HP-3562A spectrum analyser and a NI USB-GPIB interface
Acquired skills
Develop a complete graphical application following given user specifications, using modular programming and error handling.
CLAD Certification
LabVIEW Programmation et applications, Francis Cottet, Luc Desruelle et Michel Pinard, 3rd Ed. DUNOD (2015);
LabVIEW Bases de programmation et Applications, Thierry Royant, CASTEILLA (2005);

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