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Third Foreign Language - Elective Course (Arabic, Chinese, Corean, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish

497-1 Third Foreign Language - Elective Course (Arabic, Chinese, Corean, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish Computer Science S7
Lessons : 0 h TD : 15 h TP : 0 h Project : 0 h Total : 15 h
Co-ordinator : Beatrice Carta
Taking Thrid Language classes in S5 and S6
Course Objectives
Throughout their studies at the ENSICAEN (S5-S6-S7-S8), the objective is to go from beginner to the level A1 (as a minimum).
Provided there are enough registered students, they can choose among the following languages : Arabic, Chinese, Corean, German, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish.
Objectives :
- introduction to the target-language,
- learning the basic syntactic structures allowing the speaker to understand and produce simple statements,
- basic knowledge of the culture related to the target-language.
Learn the alphabet or the characters of the target-language
Present oneself, fill out an administrative form
Talk about oneself, family, likes and dislikes
Count, telle the time (hours, days, seasons…)
Talk about the daily routine
Locate elements in space
Express feelings
Ask questions
Know the main holidays and traditions
Practical work (TD or TP)
The teacher will create activities and build classes on a task-based approach.
The students will work individually, in pairs and in groups, in order to acquire basic communication competences in all 5 language activities. The classes combine the use of oral and written language with cultural aspects linked to the target-language.
Acquired skills
Specific skills
- present oneself
- use the right register depending on the interlocutor
- talk about daily routine, time and space
- produce and understand simple sentences related to the everyday life

General competences
Unit of competence: taking into consideration the organisational, personal and cultural aspect.
Level 1 : Can integrate into the corporate environment – communication and management.
Level 1 : Can work in a multidisciplinary and multicultural team
A list of specific websites and documents may be given by each language teacher at the beginning of the course.

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